داستان آبیدیک

principled foreign policy


1 سیاسی و روابط بین الملل:: سیاست خارجی اصولی

In the rest of this chapter we aim to bring together the ways in which principled foreign policy links to the overall processes of polity-building in the EU in five sections. Here we will briefly discuss six of the most common ways in which VIPs shape the con- duct of principled foreign policy actions, together with five of the most common limitations and problems association with these actions. It is precisely because the principled foreign policy valued by the EU has such high aspirations that questions regarding efficacy have been raised since the entry into force of the Treaty on European Union. Clearly these are some of the most important issues to be addressed in the twenty-first century, but the challenge for the EU is to demonstrate the relevance and efficacy of its principled foreign policy in ways which are satisfactory and credible in the overall creation of a European polis. The first aspect of VIPs in the integration process brought out by the chapters emphasises the self-learning process which the EU experiences in engaging in principled foreign policy.

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